While Exercising  

We exercise for many reasons. Perhaps we are interested in losing weight.  Perhaps we wish to gain strength.  Or we may wish to clear our mind and calm down.  One of the more significant changes to our physiology, while we exercise, is that our heart rate increases.  At the same time, often the fog inside our brain lifts and we see things with a greater clarity.  This is a time we take for ourselves, and it is a time that helps us to feel good about ourselves.


While we are not always conscious of it, our heart is always beating. Its continuous and reliable beating keeps us alive and enables us to enjoy time with our children.  Let the accelerated heartbeat we experience while exercising remind us of how fortunate we are to be alive and of the presence of our children in our lives.  Let your mind focus on your heartbeat, and as you attune to it, hear your child’s name in its rhythm.

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The Mindful Parent
Experiencing the Joy of Connecting With Your Children
My heart pounds inside me
Each beat sounds my child's name
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