It's Not Always Easy

But It's All Good.

Traveling With Your Children

Our family recently went on a vacation to Lake Tahoe.  About 30 minutes after our plane took off, my 6 year old started vomiting. Well, you can imaginehow uncomfortable it was for him, his 4 month old brother, and three year old sister since we were on a full flight. Three hours later we deplaned a little

stinkier, but unscathed.


About an hour after that, I found myself sitting cross-legged on the dirty airport floor nursing my baby while helping my son hold a plastic bag/vomit receptacle and caressing my three year old’s head who was totally exhausted. Now, normally this scenario would be horrifying to me, but as I walked through it with a total state of awareness, I realized how much Iwas growing at that very moment as a parent, a spouse and ultimately, as a person.


I wasn't horrified. I was filled with compassion for my children, the other passengers, anyone who stood within smelling distance of us. I was so present in

the moment. That presence overshadowed the deluge of emotions I would have been experiencing at any othertime in my life. Mindfulness provided such freedom in an otherwise chaotic situation. The trip turned out to be a lot of fun despite a rocky start and a few more bumps in the road (stomach flu is highly contagious) as

we chose to be mindful in each moment.


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Shannon L.
Dallas, TX
Experiencing the Joy of Connecting With Our Children
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