Arriving Home 

Returning home after a long day’s work, or after having gone out to run errands, is something that we do on a regular basis.  How often do we park our car, get off a bus, or approach our home on foot and mindlessly unlock the door, enter, and turn to the television, or reach for the telephone or computer, without taking a moment to reflect on the wonderful fact that we have returned to the source of our family?  This may be the place where we were born, where our child first lived after having been born into this world or brought into our family, where family celebrations take place, and where friends visit.  It is the place where we have heard wonderful news and perhaps the place where we have experienced heartbreak.  Our home is the source of much of life’s experiences. When we walk into our home, we can do so fully aware of the sanctity of the place.  We can sense the energy that has been poured into the home and which reverberates from within.  As you touch the door, feel the metal or wood beneath your fingertips and against your palm.  As you open the door and enter, perceive passage into a safe haven.  Enter with a fresh mind.  Try not to fall back on routine actions and reactions, but enter with a smile and an open heart.

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