Sweet child

Our souls embrace

In the stillness

Watching Your Child Sleep


There is something that touches us deeply when we watch our children sleep.  Their breathing is rhythmic and deep.  Their faces and bodies are relaxed.  There is a stillness that envelops us. We can take this time to breaths deeply and relax.  This is a wonderful time to soak in this feeling of calm.  It is a feeling that we want to call to mind when we are with our children at more hectic times.


Whether we realize it or not, the calm sensation of stillness is always present.  We simply need to be able to pierce through the noise and chatter so that we can rest in the stillness. When you leave their bedroom, immediately reflect on the feeling in an effort to have it linger.  Visualize your sleeping child and recite the verse again.  Over time, you will gain a better handle on the feeling so that you will be able to summon it at other times when you perceive the need to reach into the stillness.


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